Medcor is Offered at No Cost to You.
Kentucky Employers’ Mutual Insurance (KEMI) has partnered with Medcor to provide you with an extra level of service when workers’ compensation claims arise.
Click here for a brief instructional video on how Medcor works.
Click here to access a printable Medcor fact sheet.
Medcor offers telemedicine service developed specifically for work-related injuries. These services are free for KEMI policyholders and include:
- Triage by a nurse for injured workers with 24-hour-a-day/365-day-a-year availability and a toll-free phone number for reporting claims whenever they happen.
- Access for employees to speak with a nurse who will assess injuries and provide recommendations on whether external treatment is warranted.
- Assistance provided in 200 languages to address language barrier concerns.
- Documentation through recorded calls with summaries sent directly to policyholders for review.
- Completion of First Report of Injury (FROI) by Medcor that is electronically submitted to KEMI.
- Options of in-network providers if external treatment is recommended or requested.
- Copies of call summaries faxed to providers if employees are referred for external treatment or request external treatment.
- Suggestions by Medcor for treatment options if external treatment is not recommended or requested and a number for employees to call should conditions worsen prior to KEMI business hours.

KEMI provides reporting through Medcor as an added service for our policyholders and their employees. This does not replace access to or other claim reporting methods currently available.
Submitting reports through Medcor does not guarantee compensability, and claims will be investigated by KEMI when warranted or when requested by the policyholder.
Claims Resources for Employers
The following resources highlight several of the benefits policyholders receive when choosing KEMI for their workers’ compensation coverage. For information on other resources available for policyholders, contact us today.
Claims Detail Dashboard
Policyholders may login to access important claims details using our interactive Claims Detail Dashboard.
login or registerManaged Care Network
KEMI’s Managed Care Network through OMCA provides injured workers with quality care.
Learn about Managed CarePharmacy Benefits Manager
Our PBM program by Mitchell helps control prescription costs which helps lower the overall premium of the policy.
How We control Rx CostsMedical Bill Auditing
Our Medical Bill Team makes sure provider services are adjusted to the fee schedule and paid appropriately.
Learn about our processLoss Control & Safety
Our Claims Team works closely with our Loss Control & Safety Team to investigate and prevent injuries.
KEMI has partnered with Medcor to provide you with an extra level of service when claims arise.
Register for medcorKEMI has a zero-tolerance policy on workers’ compensation fraud to protect our policyholders and their employees. Report fraud.