Quality and Safety Manager Earl Menser explains how building and maintaining a work safety program is paramount to the success of Hibbs ElectroMechanical Inc.

What type of business is Hibbs ElectroMechanical?

Hibbs ElectroMechanical Inc., based in Madisonville, Kentucky, is a solutions provider for electrical motor repairs for many different industries, which include power plants, gas plants, manufacturing, coal mining, aggregate operations, and more.

How big is your workforce?

We currently employ about 60 people.

How important is safety to the success of your business?

Unlike manufacturing where the end user isn’t necessarily concerned about the factory’s safety record, our customers expect a proven record of a successful safety program.

Our field service team regularly visits our customers’ sites and properties. Not only must we adhere to our own safety policies, but to our clients’ stringent safety policies as well.

We train and test regularly with customer-specific safety requirements for multiple industries. Our safety record and stats are continuously monitored through contractor websites, databases, and direct reporting methods.

What new safety training or practices have you added to your program?

As 3D virtual tour technology grows, we continue to expand the use of 3D virtual reality for orientation, shop tours, recruiting, and sales.

In addition to training through our innovative 3D programs, all new field service teammates receive a 10-hour OSHA card within their first 30 days of employment, along with other safety certifications and cards required by our customers.

How has KEMI helped your company enhance workplace safety and reduce claims?

KEMI helps us maintain a low experience modification rating and is our preferred source for CPR and first aid training. We appreciate that KEMI provides on-site training since we need flexibility with our work shifts, plus the cost per teammate is extremely affordable.

What notable safety milestones or recognition has your company achieved during the past several years?

We achieved 8 ½ years without a single lost time injury in 2019. We experienced one lost time injury later that year but immediately bounced back with a no lost time record the following three years.

We were also recognized by KEMI for our outstanding safety success by earning the 2022 KEMI Destiny Award for Workplace Safety, which Hibbs has earned eight years in a row. Our entire organization was honored to receive this prestigious award affirming the hard work we invest into maintaining our safety culture.